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Endless Summer Hydrangea Seeds: How To Grow These Beautiful Blooms

Title: Endless Summer Hydrangea Seeds: How to Grow These Beautiful Blooms


Endless Summer hydrangeas are a popular choice for gardeners because they offer long-lasting blooms. These shrubs can be grown from seed, but it is important to know the right way to do it. In this blog post, we will discuss how to grow Endless Summer hydrangea seeds. We will cover everything from seed selection to planting to care.

Main Content:

Step 1: Choose the right seeds.

When choosing Endless Summer hydrangea seeds, it is important to select a variety that is hardy in your climate zone. You should also choose seeds that are from a reputable source.

Step 2: Prepare the soil.

Endless Summer hydrangeas prefer well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Before planting, amend the soil with compost or peat moss.

Step 3: Plant the seeds.

Endless Summer hydrangea seeds should be planted 1/4 inch deep in the soil. Space the seeds 2-3 inches apart.

Step 4: Water the seeds.

Water the seeds regularly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy.

Step 5: Provide shade.

Endless Summer hydrangeas seedlings prefer some shade. Protect them from direct sunlight until they are established.

Step 6: Transplant the seedlings.

Once the seedlings are 4-6 inches tall, they can be transplanted to their permanent location.

Step 7: Care for the shrubs.

Endless Summer hydrangeas are relatively easy to care for. They need regular watering, especially during the first year. They also benefit from a light application of fertilizer in the spring.


Growing Endless Summer hydrangeas from seed is a rewarding experience. With a little care, you can enjoy these beautiful blooms for many years to come.

If you're interested in learning more about Endless Summer hydrangea seeds, I recommend visiting Garden Wiki. This website has a wealth of information about these beautiful shrubs, including how to plant and care for them. You can also find a variety of Endless Summer hydrangea seeds for sale on this website.

FAQ of endless summer hydrangea seeds

Q: How do I start Endless Summer hydrangea seeds?

A: Endless Summer hydrangea seeds are relatively easy to start. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Fill a planting flat for seeds two-thirds full with vermiculite or perlite potting soil.
  2. Water the potting soil to increase the soil moisture.
  3. Sprinkle four hydrangea seeds in each section of the flat and cover with plastic wrap to maintain soil moisture and humidity.
  4. Place the planting flat with the hydrangea seeds in a bright location.
  5. Germination should take place in 10 to 14 days.
  6. Once the seedlings have germinated, remove the plastic wrap and water them regularly.
  7. When the seedlings have developed three to four healthy leaves, transplant them to 1-gallon potting containers.
  8. Continue to care for the seedlings as you would any other hydrangea plant.

Q: What is the best time to plant Endless Summer hydrangea seeds?

A: The best time to plant Endless Summer hydrangea seeds is in the spring, just as the weather is starting to warm up. This will give the seedlings plenty of time to grow and mature before the first frost.

Q: What is the ideal soil pH for Endless Summer hydrangeas?

A: Endless Summer hydrangeas prefer a slightly acidic soil pH of 5.5 to 6.5. If your soil is alkaline, you can add sulfur or aluminum sulfate to lower the pH.

Q: How much sun do Endless Summer hydrangeas need?

A: Endless Summer hydrangeas prefer partial to full shade. Too much sun can scorch their leaves.

Q: How much water do Endless Summer hydrangeas need?

A: Endless Summer hydrangeas need regular watering, especially during the first year after planting. Water them deeply once a week, or more often if the weather is hot and dry.

Q: Can Endless Summer hydrangeas be divided?

A: Yes, Endless Summer hydrangeas can be divided in the early spring or fall. To divide a hydrangea, use a sharp spade to cut through the root ball. Then, replant the divisions in separate containers or in the ground.

Q: What are some common problems with Endless Summer hydrangeas?

A: Some common problems with Endless Summer hydrangeas include:

  • Leaf scorch: This is caused by too much sun.
  • Powdery mildew: This is a fungal disease that causes white spots on the leaves.
  • Aphids: These small insects can suck the sap out of the leaves, causing them to wilt and turn yellow.

How can I solve these problems?

  • To prevent leaf scorch, plant your hydrangeas in partial shade.
  • To treat powdery mildew, use a fungicide that is labeled for use on hydrangeas.
  • To control aphids, spray your hydrangeas with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Image of endless summer hydrangea seeds

10 different images of endless summer hydrangea seeds that are free to use:

  1. Endless Summer Hydrangea Blooms

  2. Endless Summer Hydrangea Seed Pods

  3. Close-up of Endless Summer Hydrangea Seeds

  4. Endless Summer Hydrangea Seeds in Soil

  5. Germinated Endless Summer Hydrangea Seedlings

  6. Young Endless Summer Hydrangea Plants

  7. Mature Endless Summer Hydrangea Shrubs

  8. Endless Summer Hydrangea in Full Bloom

  9. Endless Summer Hydrangea in Different Colors

  10. Endless Summer Hydrangea in a Landscape

I hope you like these images!

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